10 Mar

By Brock Canning 

So we finally made our first Podcast. Woohoo! 

Gosh, did it took a while to finally do it. Zenneth and I have been dragging our feet in doing our first Podcast. Thanks to Zenneth, who has been so inspired with Tiktok creators about side hustles, that we have finally stopped going around the bush in making a podcast. Starting something is daunting and getting yourself on video and talking about stuff can be very overwhelming. We finally did it so hurray! 

However, with the excuses of daily lives, shared parenting and being new in a relationship (4years) it can be very testing times. So below are the snippets of our first podcast. Hope you will find us interesting and entertaining. We welcome feedbacks and tips from you guys and watch out for more podcasts as we build more confidence and have a vision board on what we discuss in our upcoming podcast. 

Brock: Hi I'm brock. 

Zenneth: Hi I'm Zenneth.

Brock: (pointing to Zenneth) This is my guest for today. (So) today we are going to talk about a whole bunch of fun topics that I hope you will enjoy we finally have a little bit of courage to do this first podcast ever so hopefully we're not that boring and if we are then who cares (just kidding!), because we're going to enjoy doing it at least. 

Brock: Yeah so I guess this is our first podcast like we said and you are my first guest Zenneth Zamora. <Editor’s Note: sorry for the repetition. clearly we are so newbies here> 

Brock: (Um) so first off I guess because it's my podcast I have to be the interviewer. So I'll ask questions. So my first question is, “hi Zenneth, who are you”. 

Zenneth: (smiled) I'm just Zenneth. 

Brock: Why are you here? 

Zenneth: I don't know. I think I'm gonna be talking about my latest venture which I'm doing through my website and I'm calling it Avanti Zenn. 

Brock: So you're starting a new website and you're starting this whole new like (um) I don't know like enterprise. Why don't you (uh) why don't you tell everybody more about it. 

Zenneth: (so it’s a) kind of an enterprise because I got inspired with some of the Tiktok creators and they were kind of encouraging me, to like do my content and I have already been like privately doing some creations like (um) blings and stuff and so I would, I just want to showcase it and of course not to mention that I have a Day Spa which I call Avanti by Zenn (Wholistic Day Spa), but I think I'll be changing it to just Avanti Zenn because it sounds like a lot better. 

Brock: Yes, it does. 

Zenneth: My purpose for that also is when you call ‘Avanti’ is (like um) an Italian word for forward or going forward and coincidentally (like such a surprising coincidence), that the word (um) in my own language which is Visayan, I come from the Philippines by the way. I'm just here in Canada for five years and I love it. It feels like home to me. Like I was born here and that's how it feels but yeah, in my (um) language it's called ‘Abante’… 

Brock: …and what does that mean? 

Zenneth: The same thing, it's forward. So it's like, like meant to be. Yeah it's meant to be. 

Brock: So why do you think an Italian word and a Cebuano (Visayan) Filipino word would be the same and mean the same thing. What's that all about. 

Zenneth: I have no idea. (It’s) just meant to be, I guess. 

Brock: I suppose. So that's how you knew that it's like okay it's the same thing. 

Zenneth: Yeah, it was like kind of (uh) a sign for me, you know, urging me to like do this stuff and Yeah, everything just happened, you know, and I believe in that (so yeah) and my name is Zenneth and its spelled as, it was supposed to be Zenith actually with just one ‘n’ which means the highest point above the observer and since I'm the firstborn… 

Brock: Who's the observer? 

Zenneth: Just anyone. 

Brock: So your name (is that) means the highest point above the observer. 

Zenneth: Yeah that's ‘zenith’ but then… 

Brock: Maybe like the zenith of a mountain is the highest point or the zenith I don't know… 

Zenneth: Yeah, like you have to google it. 

Zenneth: …okay, and then my mom (um) screwed up the spelling and spelled it to like Kenneth but I love it though. Like it's not common and it's not too unique that it's (still) hard to remember, (for some e.g. seniors) … 

Brock: …and it's pretty great too, because it's not too often people actually like their name so Yeah… 

Zenneth: I love it (so yeah) and at the same time (um) my nickname would be Zenn, it's ‘Z’…’E’ double ‘N’, and then it can be like a ‘zen’ thing you know… 

Brock: …so it's like some double entendre. 

Zenneth: Yes, and it's like zen, like (having) peace …so that's why I'm doing Zenn Creations, like with my art.   

Brock: Yeah, so okay, let's talk more about, like that website that I did see and… 

Zenneth: I did. 

Brock: I know it's not up yet, you're still kind of… 

Zenneth: It's actually published. 

Brock: It is? Okay, well I didn't know that, but from what I've seen of it you are really, like going all out on this website. So like you're creating swag along with your spa. So tell me more about like what you're gonna be selling. What kind of merchandise?     

Zenneth: Well I got inspired, again, with some of the Tiktok creators. They're really nice thank you guys. I love my pet Ginger, he's a lab mix rescue dog so I have great pictures of him and this coming birthday, I asked you an Ipad as a present… 

Brock: Which you are going to be receiving this week sometime hopefully. 

Zenneth: Yeah, even next week and I can't wait to get started on it and use the software Procreate. 

Brock: What are you going to be selling? 

Zenneth: So I'm going to have some nice sayings or stuff and it'll be about my dog Ginger and my guinea pig pet Ruby Nibbles. So yeah it'll be all about them and I'll be putting them on t-shirts, maybe mugs and some small totes. 

Brock: What are some of the phrases you're thinking of…so you got a picture of your dog. You got a picture of your guinea pig on these swag what kind of phrases would you like to see on those objects. 

Zenneth: So there's a picture I took of him (Ginger). I was holding his paw, so like I’m thinking, “Are you gonna be my friend forever? Pawmise?! 

Brock: Okay that's lame but that's cute. There will be a certain group of people that will really want that. 

Zenneth: Whatever, you're not one of them. 

Brock: Yeah, I am but (um) okay. So also like if you had a picture of Ruby Nibbles what would the saying’s be like? 

Zenneth: It's like, “Wheak. It's a squeak week! 

Brock: Yeah okay that's really cute. See people are gonna really love this. 

Zenneth: I know. 

Brock: In the description, I’ll have the link to the website(s). 

Zenneth: Yeah it's a lot of stuff (to do). Can be overwhelming, that's why my pad and pen are really helpful because it helps me to write down the things I need to do and what I have done so far. I still have my youtube channel to update and my Blog and all that other stuff, so yeah I'm excited. I'm really pumped like, but sometimes it's too overwhelming that you just like have to breathe you know. I have to do that zen thing too to myself. 

Brock: So that explains your website and that explains what you're planning with your merch and everything but what is the deal like, I had no idea and I had no confidence to do a podcast but there were two people that kind of inspired you to do podcasts who used to be royal people. 

Zenneth: Oh yeah Megan and Harry. 

Brock: Megan and Harry started their podcast and pretty much as soon as they started their podcast you're like, “we're gonna do a podcast”. 

Zenneth: Yes and no. We were kind of talking about it before them, right? 

Brock: Well I know but that’s when they started their podcast, that would have been our first podcast where we give a reaction to what they did. 

Zenneth: I guess, yes sure. I mean I barely listened to it but we didn't, we were talking about doing a podcast for a while, but it wasn't until you know ‘happy new year with archie’. 

Brock: It wasn't until that when you decided like, “no we are seriously going to get started on this”.   

Zenneth: No it was after the Tiktok thing because you (pointing at Brock) were dragging your feet. You're just saying no. 

Brock: Well I feel like I'm too old to start Tiktok because when you look at all the videos in there it's like always these like young beautiful people and I feel like there's… 

Zenneth: No, that's your biggest hurdle. You need to love yourself. 

Brock: We thought of all these different names for our podcast that we're going to start and I came up with ‘Moose Jawing’ which you didn't really have any objection against it or anything like that, because growing up I always thought that this phrase, “what are you guys drawing about, like what are you talking”. I thought that was really funny and we live in Moose Jaw… 

Zenneth: …Of Saskatchewan, Canada . 

Brock: Yeah, so ‘Moose Jawing Podcast’ and we'll be talking for the rest of our time here. So then that brings us right here. So we'll have fun discussions, like we love wrestling like AEW, which you sometimes say it’s a little bit boring but then when there's people that you actually like or interested in you're about as big of a fan as anyone. 

Zenneth: Yeah. 

Brock: So we have our movies like we always love. So yeah, it'll mostly be like, we'll probably just be talking crap about movies and wrestling… 

Zenneth: Your vinyl records. 

Brock: Music, yeah but also like I mean like what's happening in the world and not just like what's happening… 

Zenneth: Like overseas… 

Brock: …or whatever. Megan and Harry, yeah sure. 

Zenneth: Especially them. 

Brock: …but also like what's happening kind of more locally too because there's probably not too many podcasts about Moose Jaw or about you know Saskatchewan. 

Brock: Maybe more Saskatchewan but not Moose Jaw I would think because nobody really cares about Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw’s just kind of like this crummy old place not very many people are happy to live here. It's almost like an obligation to live here you know more than love to live here. Ironically, we actually love it here and we would never want to move anywhere else but whenever you say, “oh wait what do you think of Moose Jaw”, everybody hates it, so like maybe that's also something we could discuss. Like on another podcast, what's the deal with that you know (stuff), why is it so bad and why or what would make people you know start to like it. …and so we got wrestling, movies, music, we could talk about local issues, and there's something else that you wanted to use this platform for what is it. Zenneth also has become kind of this toy aficionado lately because it and she's got… 

Zenneth: Cheap toys… 

Brock: Cheap toy yeah, children's toys not like adult toys. We're not talking about like anything dirty here but like you know the toy section…I think Ginger just farted…Oh sorry he's right under here (table) and he made a smell…You can find the links for your Youtube channel in the description below, (um) you're going to be putting out an unboxing (uh) video…like why you decided just all of a sudden one day you're like I'm going to go into the toy department, after never really ever being in one because you didn't really have toy departments growing up. 

Zenneth: Yeah. No, we do. I don't think we have that kind (like how North America does it). I don't think I was excited to go to a toy section at all. Well, like we've been together for what almost four years and I don’t have a baby so I have no reason to go to the toy sections or have a memory of being excited to go see toys that maybe my parents would buy for me. 

Brock: I have kids but I don't go there for myself. I'm an adult, you know. That's why that was my Thinking, but like in here Zenn is like let's be kids one day. Let's go buy some toys, and I was thinking, ‘okay, yeah’. Like what was, yeah, what was your mindset at that time? 

Zenneth: You don’t have to be a kid or have a kid to enjoy something, and it's not also being silly that you're pretending to be a kid. You're just appreciating the toys as it is and particularly for this toy I chose, which is blue's clues, because it brings (um) some sense of nostalgic… 

Brock: …right. Did you used to watch Blue's Clues in the Philippines? 

Zenneth: Yeah but not too much, but (that's the thing that I could) that's a toy that I could like you know draws memories… 

Brock: Yeah, right. Nothing else kind of like reached out to you as much as blue did. 

Zenneth: Yeah. 

Brock: So there's, spoilers, well everybody grew up with He-Man and especially He-Man would have been more popular in like the Southeast Asia. 

Zenneth: I wouldn’t know that… 

Brock: …because like those muscle-bound guys back in the 80s were like bigger heroes over there than they were in north America. Like you know Sylvester Stallone and Arnold. 

Zenneth: Yeah, Rambo. 

Brock: …all that stuff, but okay I digress. 

Zenneth: That's a good word, digress, what does that mean? 

Brock: I think it means I'm going back, okay or I don't know. I don't know, that's my problem. I know I use big words but I don't think I'm using them right. So okay there. We'll be doing some toy unboxing. I had some issues with that because it's okay for you as a woman (and now we're getting into like gender politics and stuff like that) but if a man opens up a (Spoiler alert: I'll be doing a he-man unboxing video. I'll be posting that this week sometime.) …if a guy opens up toys he, and especially if he's like a big fat guy, he's what they call a man child, you know. Somebody my age can't. It's kind of like, “oh man what a what a loser!”, even though toys are like probably a billion dollar (I don't have any like real information or data) but it's probably like billion dollars and how many people of those are like adults. 

Zenneth: Yes, I'm sure like most of them. I think you just need to ride the bandwagon and cancel that culture of shaming at whatever age to enjoy anything especially toys 

Brock: So my favorite person to play with, when I was a kid, was my dad. And he like I didn't have friends sometimes but like when my dad would actually like get down and play with me I used to have like those little like green army men. He like brought his knowledge of, so he made things like so much more fun to play with. 

Zenneth: Yeah and I beg to agree (of what age a person can play with toys) because even if with Blue's Clues the person who's in front of the camera is an old guy. 

Brock: Yeah. 

Zenneth: It's not like a kid but like a teenager, and Steve… 

Brock: …the new guy Josh, they're not cool. They're like, sorry, nerds. You know, they're like what people would call losers with their sweaters and hanging out with invisible dogs. 

Zenneth: Yeah I think it's time to cancel that culture, about being losers. 

Brock: Yeah only cool people play with toys in their 30s. Only cool people, if you are 12 years’ old and playing with action figures you're a loser. Don't even come to my party but only if you're 30 and playing with toys. So yeah that's awesome. Yes, okay so we pretty much discussed what we are using our platform as a podcast for but now there's a one more controversial issue that you want to use podcasts for. This what do they call it, to this content I have it written down here, it says Duterte. You want to also talk about certain Philippines like issues that are happening in the there. Do you want to discuss that a little bit more while we're here? 

Zenneth: Not really that's like a different subject. 

Brock: So because you're getting a little bit of heat on facebook, for your… 

Zenneth: Well yeah because I'm like, I'm very forward with that you know kind of thing. 

Brock: Basically you don't like Filipinos back in the Philippines. 

Zenneth: No it's just that when I got here, I've just realized or discovered how much level of tolerance we put up with corruption and bad leaders. We even or most of the people there, even up to now that they're doing, they're making wrongdoings and they're still like lauded as an idol (or icon). So like you need to wake up from this. 

Brock: Okay, so I'm all for freedom of speech but aren't you scared that if you keep talking out like that you're gonna end up maybe, like um, kidnapped or something like those two Michaels. 

Zenneth: I'm not going there. So no. 

Brock: No, they'll come here and they'll get your ass. Aren't you scared about that. 

Zenneth: No. 

Brock: Well I would be if I were you. Okay, so I guess that whole Filipino thing is, that's a dead end. I guess you don't want to talk about that we'll have to edit that out. 

Zenneth: No, like but not right now. Like it's a Debbie-downer kind of a thing, so it's meant… 

Brock: It's just basically we're just giving you like the sneak peek of what we will be talking about. So because of my autism, we need to go through it. We got wrestling, movies, music,… 

Zenneth: uh like music vinyl… 

Brock: …records, toy unboxing,… 

Zenneth: …yeah, celebrities… 

Brock: …celebrities, politics, local issues, Philippines issues… 

Zenneth: …which we will discuss globally… 

Brock: Very special episode, and it will be Zenneth's last podcast because she will be kidnapped for her outright opinions on her president and then we'll all cry… We’ll update you with a date, I guess with what's happening with your website and maybe we can even show off some of the swag that will be coming up soon...and our podcast is sponsored today by Dare Supreme Cinnamon Danish … 

Zenneth: …mmm danish that’s delish… 

Thank you for reading our snippets this far. This was our first 20 minutes of our youtube/podcast episode. The rest of the ‘show’ snippets are coming up on Episode 1 Intro, AvantiZenn, and AEW Part 2! I greatly appreciate the support! 

Here are the links for our other stuff: 

Brock's Funtime FB    https://www.facebook.com/brock.canning 

Brock’s Funtime         https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6qizwS82dGeNGgIK6fINKA 

Brock's Funtime Blog http://604972fa4fe43.site123.me/ 

Buymeacoffee            https://www.buymeacoffee.com/brocksfuntime 

AvantiZenn Website  http://60472035228c6.site123.me/ 

AvantiZenn FB           https://www.facebook.com/avantibyzenn/ 

AvantiZenn Youtube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32sdXYsQSuD8_87L0P25UQ 

Buymeacoffee            https://www.buymeacoffee.com/avantizenn

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